Healthcare Digital February 2024 | Page 68

insight benefits , but also limits idle cash as concentration is native within virtual structures . Lastly , virtual structures can significantly reduce the burden of cash application and manual reporting processes .
“ The key with virtual solutions is creating a flexible structure and having a partner that is continuing to invest in their platform as technology and adoption of virtual solutions evolve ,” says Brady . “ Here at J . P . Morgan Payments , we have built our virtual solutions platform inhouse , which makes it more flexible , and we are continuing to invest in it to suit our clients ’ needs .”
Treasury transformation is not a onesize-fits-all , one and done approach . It is important to not just think of what you need to solve now , but rather to consider what is the art of the possible , and work backwards from that .
There will inevitably be low-hanging fruit , and there will also be heavy lifts . When thinking of the heavy lifts , keep in mind the return in terms of unlocking capital , freeing up resources or gaining more insights to drive business .
View it as a journey , which , as technology advances , will be ever evolving . That is why flexibility is so important .
68 February 2024