Healthcare Digital July 2022 | Page 22

Moderna developed a vaccine against COVID-19 in record time and the company ’ s digital infrastructure played a critical role ; Barbara Salami explains how

In August 2020 , biotechnology company Moderna , headquartered in Cambridge , Massachusetts , was deep in the fight against COVID-19 . While the company harnessed the power of digital in driving its clinical innovation , it recognised that it also needed to build a powerful digital ecosystem to enable its global commercialisation goals . It was at this time that Barbara Salami joined Moderna as Vice President of Digital for Commercial , to help build the company ’ s digital for commercial capability .

“ I started my career as an engineer , however I pivoted into other areas that have gotten me to where I am today . Looking back , I am glad that I wasn ’ t afraid to be vulnerable , stayed curious and open minded ,” explains Salami , who is also a mother of three . “ I was excited to join Moderna . I was drawn to the challenge and opportunity of having a green field to build a future-ready digital platform that will be second to none in our industry and a yardstick for other industries . I knew it wasn ’ t going to be easy . Nearly two years in , we are beginning to see value created from the foundations of the work that we have done so far . It is early days , but very exciting . One of my biggest lessons on this digital acceleration journey is that technology is not enough to deliver value . The organisation needs to be clear on the why . Technology enablement needs to be coupled with
22 July 2022