“ Our health information exchange is done through InterSystems and they do a fantastic job of giving us a single view of the patients , at the time of care and the point of care — even if they ’ ve been to multiple different hospitals and touchpoints across Northwell .
“ Bringing together our data lake and our health information exchange at an analytical level really empowers new kinds of analytics and applications that address each unique patient as a whole , not just limited to snapshots at points of time ,” he said .
Commenting on the road ahead for a more digitised healthcare , Paradis said the dynamics of care are changing rapidly — using the analogy of cars merging onto a highway where drivers respond dynamically to each other ’ s actions . “ We make choices to deliver particular kinds of treatment or care and those choices impact the system , creating these interesting feedback loops . We ' re building out systems , machine learning systems and AI systems to understand and to track and to be able to intervene in these loops in a positive way that creates virtuous cycles of care . In effect we ' re learning how to merge onto these incredibly complex highways of health successfully and safely .”
Importance of partnership with Health Catalyst Commenting on the foundational importance to Northwell ’ s ecosystem , Paradis pointed out the value Health Catalyst , Athena , Sutherland and Allscripts .
“ Health Catalyst is our data lake , they were very smart when they started by recognising that if you can ’ t efficiently and reliably connect to your data sources and move that data in a repeatable , scalable , high quality way , it doesn ' t matter what you build
42 June 2021