“ Our digital transformation program agenda has a number of established goals ,” he explains . “ Number one is to be best-inclass for clinical demand management , both internally and externally . Then , we ' re also looking at clinical teaming and innovation , value-added corporate non-clinical functions , and becoming a digitally-enabled health service , which is where our D24 roadmap comes into play .”
The Road to D24 Gold Coast Health is splitting its digital roadmap , D24 , across six key areas : virtual healthcare , data and analytics , digital liberation , digital assets , change management and digital literacy , and its ecosystem of essential technology partners .
“ Virtual healthcare is focused on cultivating our ability to deliver care that isn ' t contingent on the physical placement of the patient and the clinician ,” Kumar says . “ It ’ s everything that doesn ’ t require a faceto-face interaction in a clinic ; It ' s telehealth , remote patient monitoring , population healthcare campaigns - all of that .”
Secondly , Kumar is driving the exploration and adoption of more data analytics capabilities than ever before , in order to help Gold Coast Health not only understand information and make better decisions , but to generate valuable insights into where the organisation is headed .
In order to fully unlock the potential of advanced data analytics , Gold Coast Health is trading heavily on one of its closest and most-valuable partners . “ The founders of Healthcare Logic used to work for Gold Coast Health ,” remarks Kumar . “ They had this concept for a tool that visualised data in a meaningful way that clinicians , rather than just data analysts , could understand and use to make decisions .” Over the course of a partnership so close that Kumar says they might as well be “ joined at the hip ”, Healthcare Logic has developed its platform into an internationally recognised data visualisation and analytics tool , and Gold
64 June 2021