Healthcare Digital June 2021 | Page 84


“ I fell in love with the organisation ' s mission . Companies in the private sector are very financially motivated , but at HOOPP it ' s all about the members , all the time ”

Raif Murray , VP Corporate Solutions Group , agrees with this sentiment ; first and foremost , it is a pension delivery organisation and HOOPP ’ s activities are singularly focused on one goal : delivering on the pension promise , which is to provide a secure financial future for life . “ I fell in love with the organisation ' s mission . Companies in the private sector are very financially motivated , but at HOOPP it ' s all about the members , all the time .”
Coordinated between Williams ’ and Murray ’ s departments , HOOPP has been engaged in a significant transformation of its enterprise digital technologies . This has been a journey consisting of four primary aspects : implementing Agile methodologies , shifting to a flat structure , migrating to the cloud , and incorporating a “ work from anywhere ” program . Never one for shying away from experimentation or prototyping , the company acknowledges that technology is becoming increasingly
84 June 2021