Healthcare Digital May 2022 | Page 85

Rezūm Water Vapour Therapy

Powered by convective water vapour energy , the Rezūm System delivers targeted , controlled doses of the stored thermal energy in water vapour directly to the region of the prostate gland with the obstructive tissue causing the lower urinary tract symptoms secondary ( LUTS ) to benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ).
“ Following lots of great work between Boston scientific and NHS Supply Chain Tower 6 , I ’ m pleased to report that we have had our first ever Value Based procurement methodology signed off , which shows how the Rezum Prostate treatment delivers nearly £ 1000 in value to the NHS every time it is used - through reduced theatre time & length of stay for patients . This is a fundamental step for industry and NHS procurement as we seek to recognise and capture the benefit innovative technologies are bringing to the NHS .”
-Lee Taylor , Clinical and Analytics programme lead , NHS Supply Chain
“ Value based procurement in healthcare is regularly discussed as a way in which the healthcare system and industry can collaborate to show the benefits of technology from both a patient and system perspective , quantifying measurable and tangible financial savings beyond price reduction . However , there are relatively few practical examples .
With the Rezum value based case study , undertaken at Guys and St Thomas ’, Boston Scientific were delighted to collaborate on a pilot to treat Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia patients with Rezum , to prove that our claims are not just aspirational but demonstrate tangible benefit to the system and patients . We showed improved efficiency and outcomes , which released much needed capacity in both theatre and realisable bed stay ” – Stephen Sutcliffe , Head of Commercial Partnerships , Boston Scientific

NHS England MedTech Funding Mandate 2022 / 23

“ The MedTech Funding Mandate is an NHS Long Term Plan commitment to give patients access to selected NICE-approved cost-saving devices diagnostics and digital products more quickly .”
Rezūm included on the 2022 / 23 MedTech Funding Mandate policy as a NICE recommended cost saving alternative compared to standard treatments such as TURP .
Learn more NHS VBP Case study