seen through its partnership with Banner , an expert provider of workplace supplies , as the organisation focuses a lot of its attention on its environmental , social , and governance ( ESG ) impacts .
Lawson further explains the importance of social value when it comes to engaging with suppliers : “ When we carried out the tender process , we weighted social value at 20 %. So we weighted it quite high and set up some specific requirements from a sustainability perspective .”
He continues : “ We pulled together the different sustainability managers from each trust to set out the standards from an environmental perspective in terms of product , but also in terms of delivery model .”
Ultimately , this process is governed by its partner organisation ’ s ability to provide transparency , which is something the Trust is also aiming for with Boston Scientific , a leading global provider of medical devices .
“ We buy a wide range of their devices across a number of clinical settings ,” says Lawson .
“ Boston is an example of a medical device company that we ' re trying to establish a strategic partnership with and that ' s looking at different elements or different initiatives .
This really sums up the core activities of Guy ’ s and St Thomas ’ that we can expect to see over the next few years . As a provider of local healthcare services with specialist capabilities required by the nation , the Trust will continue to develop the way it operates to improve patient care .
The coronavirus pandemic has highlighted some of the key areas in which the organisation must innovate to meet the demands of an evergrowing population , strengthening its strategic partnerships and streamlining procurement and supply chain activities to ensure that patients receive what they need when they need it . “ Post- COVID , we ’ re now trying to learn from the experience of COVID-19 and understand the benefits in the sense of being able to make changes for the good and to use that as the catalyst for more change .”
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