Healthcare-Digital May 2024 | Page 105

is going , its goals and customer concerns . It ’ s not just about rolling out technology , but rolling out technology together with the business , in a manner that will help them achieve their goals .
“ We want to enable the business and the only way to do that is by having a seat at the table ,” he says . “ You don ’ t need to wait for an invitation , you need to go there and you need to understand what everyone ’ s trying to do and have a business mindset . The only way to do that is by having this customer focus .”
This is key to getting a good Return on Investment ( ROI ). Meanwhile , automation technology has been used for commercial success in the business to reduce costs .
“ We have very precise calculations with hundreds of millions of dollars at stake ,”

“ Together as a company , we aspire to create , improve and prolong the lives of those impacted by difficult to treat conditions like infertility , multiple sclerosis and cancer ”

EDUARDO FABIANO HEAD OF IT , EMD SERONO healthcare-digital . com 105