Healthcare-Digital May 2024 | Page 60

the years , because every six months you ’ re buying new compute or you ’ re increasing storage . If you have the ability to standardise the chip set or the compute infrastructure that delivers Epic , that would yield better performance , and you can do that in the cloud .
“ If I don ’ t have to cobble everything together , I can deliver better performance back to my end users , which translates to a better experience for everyone around .”
Another benefit of moving to the cloud , Calahan adds , is increased protection and recoverability when it comes to a cyber event .
“ There is not a week that goes by that you don ’ t hear about a healthcare system suffering from a cyber attack . One of the goals of our cloud initiative is to enhance and improve upon the very traditional backup and recovery processes and procedures we use today to provide a much more streamlined and efficient method to perform recovery , which will thereby improve resiliency . We aim to inject backup and recovery capabilities into the very foundation of our cloud operating platforms , which will make it capable at identifying and recovering from a cyber event .”
Partnerships : Microsoft and NetApp Viewing partnerships as critically important , Calahan describes how Michigan Medicine relies on different partners to bring their skill sets and expertise in terms of what the art of the possible is as it relates to their products and solutions .
“ In 30 years in healthcare and in 10 years at Dell EMC , I ’ ve seen a lot of technology products and solutions . And because I have 15 years of management consulting ,
I ’ m very unbiased ,” he says . “ We want to make sure that the technology solutions really match up to the business needs and the business drivers .”
One of Michigan Medicine ’ s valued partners , Microsoft , has proven particularly effective at creating products and solutions that are meaningful to the organisation .
“ We ’ ve leveraged Office 365 and moved email and SharePoint out into the cloud ,” Calahan says . “ And we ’ ve started to build out cloud infrastructure for things like Epic Cloud Read Only , a disaster recovery capability that we can perform in the cloud much more effectively than on-prem .
“ Microsoft ’ s been super helpful at that , and at showing us some of the newer
60 May 2024