Healthcare Digital November 2022 | Page 18

universal health coverage through the National Health Service of Ukraine , and allowing Ukrainians to choose their physicians and health care facilities .
February 2022 and Patriot Defence In modern warfare , the wide availability of cameras has led to unforgettable photographs of war crimes being instantaneously documented and shared globally . For Russia ’ s invasion of Ukraine , the defining photo is of a pregnant woman being evacuated on a stretcher from a maternity ward in Mariupol . Sadly , neither mother nor baby survived Russia ’ s attack against the hospital .
The post-WW2 1949 Geneva Convention states that : ‘ Civilian hospitals may in no circumstances be the object of attack but shall at all times be respected and protected by the Parties to the conflict ’. The World Health Organisation recorded Russia ’ s 100th attack on a Ukrainian healthcare facility in April .
At the time of writing , there are more than 7 million internally displaced Ukrainians who , in times of war and peace , need healthcare . Ulana is ready with Patriot Defence , an organisation she founded to train soldiers in first aid . There is a lot of healthcare improvement to be done in Ukraine , according to Ulana .
" None of the hospitals are prepared for mass casualties ," said Suprun . " The larger , second-line military hospitals in Dnipropetrovsk and Kharkiv boast that only 1 % of the soldiers they care for pass away , but that ' s because the critically wounded guys die before they can ever get to those hospitals ."
18 November 2022