We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you the best of health !
Stephanie C . Ocano
EDITOR ’ S COMMENT Providing care in a digital world
TACKLING HEALTH CHALLENGES DEMANDS an approach that requires an integration of multilayered health information and an elaborate ecosystem . How do we do that ? With big data .
Harnessing the potential of big data represents an opportunity to transform healthcare , leading to new discoveries and economic benefits . It ’ s a topic that has been discussed time and time again , but with Europe ’ s rising health challenges , the time to integrate is now .
Speaking of the economy , in our feature “ The Economic Ramifications of Cures ,” we take a look at the most recent expenses in the medical industry ( the numbers are in the billions ) and reflect on whether prevention could be the answer to saving money and responding to the healthcare crisis .
Finally , as more individuals seek alternative methods to maintain their health in lieu of their doctor ’ s office , we compiled the top 10 emerging trends in alternative medicine that you can expect to see this year .
We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you the best of health !
Stephanie C . Ocano
Senior Editor stephanie . ocano @ healthcareglobal . com