STRIVES to support researchers , governments and universities to develop key insights and clinical skills , as well as partake in essential knowledge-sharing in an everchanging healthcare landscape .
Whilst the number of women in STEM subjects remains relatively low globally , in Brazil numbers are flourishing . Presently one of the largest investors in science and technology in Latin America and the Caribbean , a study published on Elsevier ’ s Connect platform has revealed that the country ’ s focus on social and gender equality has transformed Brazil into a country with a diverse , skilled workforce .
The country has encouraged women to take advantage of new opportunities , particularly within scholarships and research support . This has provided a multitude of advantages , not least across the healthcare industry .
Recently acclaimed as one of the 100 most influential people in healthcare under the category of Innovation at the South American Healthcare Exhibition ( SAHE ), Claudia Toledo , Director of Clinical
Solutions at Elsevier , is clearly passionate about her role within an industry that is ripe for disruption .
“ I came from an infrastructure segment of work and joined Elsevier and the healthcare industry over 20 years ago . I have worked both in the public and private sector , for small and large institutions as well as big corporations ,” she says .
Disrupting traditional processes and implementing personalised digital tools to enhance the patient
12 April 2018