Healthcare Magazine April 2018 | Page 23

“ There have been a huge number of trials and there is an evidence base , yet all countries are finding it immensely difficult to get [ telecare ] adopted as part of a mainstream healthcare system ”

– James Barlow , Professor of Technology and Innovation Management ( Healthcare ) at Imperial College Business School services and what I call ‘ telemedicine ’, which is much simpler in the sense that it ’ s essentially a patient and a doctor , or specialist , who will be remotely situated . It ’ s all about diagnosis , and triage , and looking at a particular type of data from the patient , which is inherently sort of simpler to put in place than patient monitoring , or monitoring elderly people , in real time , in their own homes or on a mobile basis where you ’ ve got much more complex processes involved .
“ It usually spills across different parts of the heath and social care system . So there ’ s been a lot of telemedicine in the form of video consultations and simple sort of telediagnostics , going back a long time and obviously right back to the flying doctor service .
“ But , as I say , that ’ s easier to put in place because it ’ s basically just a patient and a specialist , and it ’ s doing