Healthcare Magazine August 2014 | Page 3

We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you the best of health ! Stephanie C . Ocano

editor ’ s comment Tech expertise for a people-driven industry

In this issue of Healthcare Global , we feature two giants in their respective fields and their jarring views on entering the healthcare industry . Blackberry is diverging from the broader consumer market and launching services with NantHealth – a company whose operating platform is already being used in over 250 hospitals . Google , on the other hand , would rather continue working on individual projects , finding the industry far too regulated .
We then travel over to Asia and discover why Prince Court Medical Center is ranked as the world ’ s leading hospital for medical tourists and share the best medical destinations from around the world .
Also in this issue , we report on the top priorities for financial executives given the improving economy and stable financial markets . We found that controlling the cost for healthcare benefits still remains at the forefront of their minds . Just as well , integrating technology into the healthcare field is at an all-time high . Tony Kane Consulting Ltd . shares with us his newly developed methodology on how to drive the most successful mobile health project .
Finally , we compile the Top 10 countries that are spending the most on healthcare based on their health expenditure numbers and discuss the current state of healthcare within their region .
We hope you enjoy this issue and wish you the best of health ! Stephanie C . Ocano
Editor stephanie . ocano @ wdmgroup . com