Stephanie C . Ocano
THERE IS A RISING demand for health services as the population in China increases , and the industry has realized that to meet the public ’ s demand it is impossible to solely rely on hospitals . As such , the medical industry needs to further expand community medical services via private clinics .
In our feature “ Should you run a public hospital or a private clinic ?” medical experts weigh in on the topic and voice their opinions on what is best for the patients of the country .
The world of genome sequencing continues to expand , and there is one company in particular that is driving it forward .
Illumina has aspired to transform human health since its inception , and continues to develop products that enable customers to read and understand genetic variations . As a result , discoveries that were unimaginable a few years ago are now becoming routine . In this issue of Healthcare Global , we profile Illumina and their astounding accomplishments .
Finally , we profile the 10 most expensive medical procedures and discuss why so many zeros fill their price tags .
Enjoy this issue and we wish you the best of health !
Stephanie C . Ocano
Senior Editor stephanie . ocano @ healthcareglobal . com