Color - Genetic Testing for Hereditary Cancer Risk at our healthcare spend , in the US especially but it ’ s very similar across the world , most of it is on treating disease . The basic model is that we wait for something to break and then we try to fix it . In the US only 3 % of healthcare spend is on prevention . Just moving the cancer diagnosis up a stage , from four to three , three to two and so on , you double the survival rate and take out 50 % of the cost .
“ That ’ s a bigger impact than any cancer therapy that ’ s ever been invested in its history . It ’ s achievable through prevention and early detection .
“ There ’ s a massive shortage of genetic counsellors globally ,” he continues , “ so we built a lot of tools that enable our counsellors to spend the vast majority of their time talking with patients and doctors . We ’ ve seen a significant increase in of doctors who are not cancer or cardiovascular disease specialists starting to adopt genetic testing as part of general prevention .”
This is beneficial to patients , but