the black death
Plague doctors during the 14th century wore masks with glass eye openings and a cone nose shapedlike beak to hold scented substances and straw
“ Belief in old practices , rampant misinformation , and apathetic , corrupt politicians have combined to make the current outbreak much more widespread than it should be ”
– Ben SHAPIro
said in its report , while noting that a national task force has been activated to manage the outbreak .
Contraction of the bubonic plague results in the swelling of the lymph nodes , but can be treated with antibiotics . The pneumonic version , affecting the lungs , can be spread from person to person through coughing . Death can result in as little as 24 hours . The third form of the disease , septicemic plague , is the rarest form and occurs when the blood is directly infected .
Whichever variety of the plague , as the disease progresses its victim