5 . Reducing costs through productivity . An additional cost that trusts face is having to employ temporary agency workers to quickly fill gaps . NHS employers are in need of a strategic approach that enables a more flexible and responsive workforce . Acuitybased tools offer forecasting and reporting on staffing levels and skills mix , providing predicative acuitymodeling which helps to identify over and / or overstaffing gaps . With detailed visibility of staff numbers and caseload , managers are able to monitor staff effectiveness and re-deploy staff across the organization quickly , should gaps need to be filled .
Why Going Digital is the Solution The benefits of acuity-based safe staffing against the guideline reports are clear to see . NHS managers should not restrict their workforce abilities by not adopting the technology that can help ease financial pressures and growing patient demands . These reports have raised awareness about the need for improving NHS care and best practices to do it . Failure to embrace new ways of working and addressing the challenges of managing safe staffing and patient acuity will have farreaching implications for patient care across the NHS .