Al Zahra Hospital middle east
Dubai between the emirate ’ s two international airports and is easily accessible by car . So far it has seen around a quarter of a billion dollarsworth of investment .
Its team of experts offers specialised services including Anaesthesia , Cardiology , Emergency , Endocrinology , Ear , Nose , Throat ( E . N . T ), Family Medicine , Gastroenterology and Endoscopy , General Surgery , Internal Medicine , Intensive Care Unit , Obstetrics and Gynaecology , Out-Patient Dietary Clinic , Ophthalmology , Orthopaedics , Pathology , Paediatrics and Neonatology , Physiotherapy , Pulmonology , Radiology , Urology and Andrology .
Dr Abdelghany said : “ We try to approach our service provision in Dubai to match with the growing needs and demands within Dubai and the
Being based in Dubai gives AZHD a window of access to vendors and suppliers of the latest cutting-edge technology and medical equipment
www . azhd . ae 37