data and mobile technology .
Healthcare has traditionally lagged behind other key industries in terms of innovation — perhaps due to issues surrounding patient confidentiality . However , the hospital of tomorrow will make use of real-time data through the use of mobile software and devices , all allowing for more accurate diagnosis giving consultants greater visibility into a patients ailments and reducing misdiagnosis by over 75 percent .
These rising levels of accuracy will also be driven by GenMobile who will be sharing data on mobile devices such as smartphones , wearables and tablets . As more and more hospitals become reliant on networks , IT security will become paramount so departments will need to invest heavily in order to alleviate some of the concerns often associated with network security .
From a management point of view , staffing levels will be much easier to control through the predictive capabilities of big data . Using mobile technology will see the rise of “ virtual assistants ” meaning that facilities are managed in a much more efficient way . The management of beds will also mean patients are less likely to be waiting around for an empty bed , if beds are full or are about to become free , ward managers can be alerted to this in real time via their mobile device and react more effectively .
Deliver a truly paperless and wireless world driving better confidentiality and collaboration Whilst it ’ s not believed all working environments will be paperless , there is a big push for many industries to go that way and healthcare is no different . The money spent on purchasing paper and document storage will reduce by over 80 percent equating to millions , if not billions of pounds saved each year .
Regional data centers vs . one central hub has been suggested as a way of easing many people ’ s fears that their records could be compromised , but as long as assurances over security are met , a paperless environment would have huge benefits to confidentiality . Within radiology , RIS and PACS systems have already led to paperless departments , saving space , time and enabling remote diagnosis from experts around the globe .
The implementation of wireless communications systems and VoIP goes hand in hand with this decline