Healthcare Magazine November 2014 | Page 23


What is concierge medicine and why is it steadily growing within the healthcare sector ?

Written by : STEPHANIE C . OCANO
EARLY ON IN the 1930s , the way physicians made their living was primarily through house calls . In fact , 40 percent of medical visits were made by a doctor visiting a patient in the comfort of his home , according to the American Academy of Family Physicians .
Over time , this percentage steadily dropped due to a lack of funding , an increase in health establishments and following the trend of common practice – until now . Concierge medicine is where patients pay an annual fee to their doctor for enhanced care , and it is a practice that has seen growth in the sector of healthcare for the past few years .
Founded on the belief that healthcare should provide the highest standard of personal care that is equally convenient and accessible , one health startup has unveiled a doctors-on-demand mobile service that connects a physician face-to-face with patients no matter their location .
Developed by co-founders Sam Zebarjadi , Dr . Sahba Ferdowsi and Nafis Zebarjadi last year in South Florida , Medicast is an on-demand , location based service available 24 hours a day , seven days a week . The