Healthcare Magazine November 2014 | Page 26


‘ Concierge medicine is attractive for a number of reasons , but most importantly , it allows healthcare providers to mobilize their practice in the palm of their hand ’

According to Sam Zebarjadi , CEO of the service , the primary benefit of personal house call visits is that it allows patients to get treated sooner and therefore healthier faster .
“ Doctors carry many medications with them which can be dispensed immediately , so the healing process can start right away ,” Zebarjadi said . “ The doctor can also see the patient in their own environment and assess how that may be contributing to their health .”
“ One advantage is that the physician is able to assess the patient in their home , so they are able to gather information that they would not be able to get in a clinical setting ( for example , an asthmatic who lives in a smoking environment ),” added Ferdowsi . “ The physician does not have to rush through the visit and has the time to have educational discussions with the patient where they might not otherwise .”
Ferdowsi also believes that
26 November 2014