Welcome to the latest edition of Healthcare Global .
This month , we speak with Australian health provider , Metro South Health , who have completed the digitisation of five major public hospitals in South East Queensland , signalling the end of error-prone paper-based recording and transforming the delivery of patient care .
The industry continues to face a multitude of challenges . From limited
budgets to the use of outdated legacy equipment no longer fit for purpose , organisations has placed little attention towards upgrading and investing
in new technologies .
BlackBerry ’ s Global Healthcare Lead , Sara Jost discusses how the company seeks to guarantee technological excellence across the healthcare industry by working with customers , carr- iers , distance integrators , distributors and independent service centres
( ISCs ), to sell essential health IT services and products .
Looking at the way in which technology is transforming the screening process for cardiac drug approval , Healthcare Global also spoke with co-founder of Novoheart , Kevin Costa to find out how the company is revolutionising the flawed process for screening new drugs .
Lastly , this month ’ s issue also looks at the top CEOs transforming the healthcare industry , based on a list written by Robert Reiss and his team at The CEO Forum Magazine for Forbes . Also included are the key healthcare events and conferences for this calendar year .
We hope you enjoy the magazine , and as always , we welcome your feedback on Twitter : @ HealthcareGlbl .
Enjoy the issue ! Catherine Sturman . Catherine . Sturman @ bizclikmedia . com
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