Healthcare Magazine September 2014 | Page 20


U . S . Healthcare Reform through the Years

1900s – Organized Medicine Takes Shape The American Medical Association gains powerful influence as the national organization of state and local associations . Unlike European countries , U . S . policymakers find little value in health insurance .
1912 – Concept of Health Insurance Promoted Social insurance , including health insurance , gains public attention when Teddy Roosevelt and his Progressive Party campaign focus on the issue . The American Association for Labor Legislation also publishes and promotes a draft bill for compulsory health insurance , but the effort is derailed when the U . S . enters WWI .
1929 – A Model for Health Insurance Baylor Hospital in Dallas , Texas , starts a prepaid hospital insurance program with a local teachers ’ union and creates what is thought to be the nation ’ s first example of modern health insurance .
1934 – New Focus with Hard Economic Times The Depression shifts attention to unemployment insurance and “ old age ” benefit . President Franklin Roosevelt creates the Committee on Economic Security to address these issues as well as medical care and insurance but when the Social Security Act is passed , health insurance is omitted . The American Medical Association strongly opposes a national health insurance program .
1944 – FDR Proposes “ Economic Bill of Rights ” In his State of the Union Address , President Franklin Roosevelt outlines an “ economic bill of rights ” that includes the right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health . During WWII , businesses begin to offer health benefits as they compete for workers .
1945 – National Health Insurance Condemned Shortly after becoming president , Harry Truman proposes a broad health care restructuring that includes mandatory coverage , more hospitals , and double the number of nurses and doctors . Denounced by the American Medical Association and other critics as “ socialized medicine ,” his plan goes nowhere in Congress .
1946 – Discrimination Barred in Hospital Care The Hill-Burton Act pays for the
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