Healthcare Magazine September 2014 | Page 55

unrivalled reputation in the country and industry , making the acquisition a vital feather in the cap of Medtech Ethiopia .
With a total of 63,000 square meters of land to expand the EPHARM facilities , Dr . Nuri has taken the opportunity to make sure that the potential of this venture is optimised .
“ EPHARM has eight manufacturing lines for various products and we will be renovating each one in turn over the next five years to make sure they meet GMP ( Good Manufacturing Practice ) guidelines before making them fully operational ,” the CEO explained . “ Any machinery that needs changing we will change , and any that needs upgrading , we will upgrade ; all the while maintaining the existing employees and giving them the relevant upgrades in training .”
Medtech now has extensive warehouse facilities to distribute its products
www . medtechethiopiaplc . com 55