Healthcare Magazine September 2015 | Page 3

Stephanie C . Ocano

EDITOR ’ S COMMENT Turning vision into reality

THIS MONTH IS ALL about leadership at Healthcare Global . Our cover features the new John R . Oishei Children ’ s Hospital — a state-of-the-art , US $ 270 million project that is set to open its doors to western New York , U . S . in late 2017 . Operating under Kaleida Health , the hospital is set to become the regional referral center for women and children .
In a world that operates across a digital platform and technology becomes the lifeblood of innovation and progress , it is important for today ’ s pharma and medical industries to evolve to deliver more streamlined services and optimum patient care .
In this issue , we discuss how health tech solutions are making personalized treatment plans possible , and improving patient care on an individual level .
Finally , as funding from venture capitalists continues to surge , our Top 10 profiles the startups who were invested in the most since last June and why they ’ re set to change the industry .

Enjoy this issue and we wish you the best of health !

Stephanie C . Ocano
Senior Editor stephanie . ocano @ healthcareglobal . com